One of the most near-to-my-heart spring flowers... Lily of the Valley
My cat enjoying the afternoon shade...
Fragrant Viburnum 'Korean Spice' blooms with a 'Kwanzan' Cherry
Hydrangea 'Nikko Blue' in bloom with Ligularia 'Britt Marie Crawford' in a shady nook of my summer garden.
Annual Angelonia, Ivy Geranium 'Blue Blizzard', Oenothera speciosa and Platycodon 'Scentimental Blue' make a riot of extended color in this spring garden.
A Lady Slipper Orchid, one of my most prized garden possessions, in bloom in my shade garden.
Acer palmatum dissectum 'Viridis' (Greenleaf Japanese Maple) grows by a garden wall, underplanted with Ajuga and Blue Fescue.
Helenium 'Mardi Gras' creates a stunning display of color on a sturdy, reliable plant from mid-June through August in one of my perennial border gardens.
Iris germanica 'Gypsy Romance' bursts into bloom in late spring with Salvia 'Caradonna'.