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Offering a unique blend of gardening services to individuals wishing to nurture and find solace in the earth just outside their back door... Located in Warren County, New Jersey, Goodness Grows Gardens specializes in designing outdoor spaces tailored to the individual as well as the unique climatic niche of each garden. We offer personal gardening services including maintanence; guidance & advice for the do-it-yourselfer; planning, planting and harvesting edible gardens; seasonal and special occassion living displays; and exquisitely & individually designed outdoor living spaces.

Whoever loves and understands a garden will find contentment within...

Garden Photos by Goodness Grows

One of the most near-to-my-heart spring flowers...  Lily of the Valley

My cat enjoying the afternoon shade...

Fragrant Viburnum 'Korean Spice' blooms with a 'Kwanzan' Cherry

Hydrangea 'Nikko Blue' in bloom with Ligularia 'Britt Marie Crawford' in a shady nook of my summer garden.

Annual Angelonia, Ivy Geranium 'Blue Blizzard', Oenothera speciosa and Platycodon 'Scentimental Blue' make a riot of extended color in this spring garden.

A Lady Slipper Orchid, one of my most prized garden possessions, in bloom in my shade garden.

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Viridis' (Greenleaf Japanese Maple) grows by a garden wall, underplanted with Ajuga and Blue Fescue.

Helenium 'Mardi Gras' creates a stunning display of color on a sturdy, reliable plant from mid-June through August in one of my perennial border gardens.

Iris germanica 'Gypsy Romance' bursts into bloom in late spring with Salvia 'Caradonna'.